Final Reflection
During my learning journey in the Effective communication module, I was able to gain lots of experience in presenting and in report writing. At the start of the module, my aim was to be better prepared in presenting and to be able to communicate better in a team. I was able to achieve this goal as I felt that I was more confident when presenting especially during the presentation showcase. Other than the improvement in presentation, I felt that I was able to better communicate in a team as my team was able to manage our time well and have our ideas in sync even though we had only 3 members. This module has also taught me how to craft a proper technical report. I believe that having this skill would better prepare me for projects in jobs as well as for the IWSP in year 2. The presentation showcase gave me the opportunity to use the skills taught to me to present myself in front of a large audience. I was not as nervous as compared to my first audience back in secondary sch...